

internet strategy

Every successful project starts with a clear internet strategy. What is the aim of the website? What steps will we take? What technical and other resources do we need to achieve the goal? [read more]

project management

Ideas are defined in a detailed functional design. We make a flow chart of all pages of the website with all functionalities per page. [read more]

web design

The web design grows in a creative process. Our design is always custom made and based on a outspoken vision. We directly apply the most current insights. [read more]

realisation in TYPO3

We realize the website. The building is always done in house. Strangefruit.nl chose to work with the TYPO3 open source CMS. And we have good reasons for that. [read more]

exploitation and support

The performance on the internet determines the success of the website. We do search engine optimization (SEO) and provide the hosting or assist you in finding the best hosting solution. As long as the site is online we guarantee excellent support.

web application

Strangefruit.nl is specialized in custom-made web applications. We realize browser-based applications in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, according to the program requirements.


More ambition than budget? For smaller websites we created a special product. It's called Up'n'running. With Up'n'running you have a professional website for a fixed low price. [read more]
